December 30, 2013

5 days till due and off to work I go

I'm glad to be headed off to work this morning. I didn't think I would be. I assumed we'd have our baby by now and I'd take some leave.

But, the way it worked out, it's OK. Mondays are days with a lot if things to do. I can go get them all done and be a little more prepared to take that leave.

I told my wife last night she was the boy who cried wolf (or maybe the woman who cried labor). Each day she says something is happening and this could be it. Then we go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. We're back to Square 1. The reality is that I'm sure there is plenty happening inside there. And we are very close to this being over. Five days till the due date.

And off to work I go.

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