March 3, 2014

2 months old and starting to babble

This week my baby hit the 2 month mark. And now things are starting to get a lot more fun.

Up until now, Paisley has pretty much just laid there. Now she's starting to interact much, much more with us. It sounds like she is trying to say words, although they come out kind of like John Travolta trying to pronounce that singer's name last night at the Oscars. The other day, she said something exactly the same way three times in a row. It was pretty funny and I have no idea what she was trying to say.

And, knock on wood, she's still sleeping 6.5 consecutive hours at night. That's pretty awesome.

The only negative right now is the weather. I think she'd love to go out in the stroller walking around. But it's just been too cold and windy when we've had the opportunity. And today we've got ice again. But it looks like it may warm up a bit this weekend. And I'd love to be able to go outside and do some things.

Paisley can hold her head up pretty good now. Not consistently enough to leave her alone, but she is strong enough to hold it up for several minutes. And she really wants to be sitting up at all times. Sometimes that's good. Sometimes it's not all that convenient for dad.

But it's still fun.

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