January 27, 2014

Baby's already grown 2 inches and 2 pounds

It's hard to believe Paisley is nearly one month old. It's been a long month. But it's also been a very fast month.

We went to the one-month doctor's appointment today. I was really anxious to see the weight and length. I kept telling my wife that Paisley has gained weight and length. I was right.

Paisley weighed 9 pounds and 0.3 ounces. That's almost 2 pounds above her birth weight. And she was 21 and 3/4 inches long. That's more than two inches longer than her birth length. Her head circumference was also larger by about 1/2 an inch.

What does that mean? It's all good.

But there was a little concern. She's been taking 4 ounce bottles for the past week or so. And really, she's blowing through them like they're nothing. And she's hungry again a few hours later. We don't want to overfeed (or underfeed). So we asked our pediatrician today.

The first thing he asked us is about spitting up. Believe it or not, Paisley hasn't really spit up at all. Yes, there's a little drippage here and there. But we still haven't had one of those ruin your shirt spit-ups yet (knock on wood).

Because she hasn't spit up much, he told us it was OK to increase her amount to 5 ounces. But if she can't handle it and starts to spit up, we should go back to four ounces.

That's exactly what we needed to hear.

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