January 3, 2014

So far my baby is really, really good

I know by writing this I'm going to completely jinx it. But as of right now, my baby is a really good baby.

She doesn't cry all that much. When she does, she's pretty easy to calm down. She eats good. Doesn't fuss much. And she's really cute.

Yep, I'm a parent. I'm sure most parents feel this way about their newborns. And this is probably the calm before the storm. But so far so good.

My wife says I'm the champion burper. I'm not sure that's something you can be champion of. But I seem to have a knack for forcing a burp.

Today we had our first visitor -- other than my mother-in-law, who came yesterday. My wife's former boss, Donna, stopped by for a while. And Paisley was really good for her. She let Donna hold her for a quite a while.

The biggest issue I still have is my kids. They still want to fight over who gets to sit by Paisley. Tonight, Anna Kate got 15 minutes. Then Maddie got 15 minutes. I had to do it. Otherwise my wife was never going to get to hold the baby.

Now she's asleep, laying on my wife, whose also asleep. And I'm watching Mizzou play in the Cotton Bowl. (Let's Go Tigers!!!!!).

Life is good.

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